The adorable mascot character taking Japan by storm, Chiikawa, is getting its own special pop-up bakery in Harajuku, titled the Chiikawa Bakery! This cute...
Fans of the massively popular mobile adventure game Genshin Impact have something new to look forward to, with collaborative taiyaki featuring Genshin Impact characters...
Otaku all across the globe gather in Akihabara to indulge in every aspect of Japanese pop-culture, from anime to V-Tubers and everything in between....
Beginning June 2023, fans of the idol series Aikatsu! can enjoy a collaborative event sponsored by anime goods shop AmiAmi and Marion Crepes!
The event...
Comiket is known around the world as being the largest doujinshi (self-published comic) convention there is, so it's no surprise that fans gather from...
Holo Live, the group behind many well-known V-Tuber (Virtual YouTuber) idols, celebrates it's 5th anniversary with collaborative cakes from!
With V-Tubers and V-Tuber culture...