Pokémon Sleep Themed Rooms come to the Tokyo Hyatt Hotel!


What better way for gamers and fans alike to enjoy a stay in Tokyo than to enjoy it with Pikachu, Snorlax and friends? Now you can, with a recently-announced collaboration between Pokemon Sleep and the Tokyo Hyatt hotel! As the game celebrates its one-year anniversary, visitors can indulge themselves in a Pokémon-inspired room that places you in a campsite straight out of Pokemon Sleep itself.

Called the luxurious Pokémon Sleep Suite Room, the room is meticulously designed to replicate the serene campsite from Pokémon Sleep’s Greengrass Isle. Adorned with vibrant game artwork, the main room features a collection of plushies including Snorlax, Pikachu, Slowpoke, Cubone, and Chikorita, ensuring you’re never alone in your slumber.

Booking a stay allows you to receive a bundle featuring a T-shirt, backpack, pouch, drink bottle, herbal tea, and bath salts as souvenirs of your Pokemon-centric stay. You can also savor a delectable dinner feast with a generous 450-gram Snorlax cheeseburger, complemented by Snoozy Tomato Salad and Lucky Chant Apple Pie for dessert. Breakfast is also included, featuring adorable Pokemon pancakes that can be brought directly to your room!

Visitors can get cuddled up and enjoy the cozy embrace of a Snorlax blanket and take home one of the adorable sleeping plushies. Additionally, the adorable food menu featured during the stay period features Snorlax and Pikachu on the buns, in addition to matching their colors!

With only one Pokémon Suite available, don’t miss the chance to reserve your spot and stay at this one-of-a-kind Pokemon camp-themed dream suite. Ten Pokémon Sleep king and twin-bed rooms are also available, and the entire Pokemon Sleep collaboration rooms are available to be booked between July 1st to August 31st, 2024. Ring in the summer with Snorlax and look forward to unforgettable night of sleep!
