Last Installment of Shibuya’s AKIRA Art Wall Arriving On February 28


If you have visited Shibuya within the last two years, you will have probably seen the famed AKIRA art wall on a construction fence in Udagawa-cho, at the edge of Center-gai by Muji and Uniqlo.

The mural has been up since October 2017, and is welcoming its third and final chapter on February 28th, 2019, in the largest installment the project has seen. The current art wall will be available for viewing right up until February 27th.

The 3rd and final installment of the AKIRA mural

The art wall is a collaboration between Ootomo Katsuhiro, manga-ka of AKIRA, and collage artist Kawamura Kousuke. The mural wraps around the construction site for the rebuilding of the Shibuya PARCO building, which was originally predicted to be finished in 2019, the same year AKIRA takes place in. Coincidence?

Since Shibuya PARCO is projected to be completed this year, make sure to check out the final installment of the AKIRA mural before it leaves!

Original Source: Comic Natalie
