Milky Holmes TD Museum on Display at Gamers!


Popular anime Tantei Kageki Milky Holmes TD has gorgeous scenes from the anime on panel displays as well as illustrations (?) by some of the voice actors also on display on the 7th floor of Akihabara Gamers, and will continue to through the end of March.

mhg5 mhg1 mhg2

My favorite part of the display is the drawings by the voice actors.

New Years cards. Left: Suzuko Mimori. Right: Sora Tokui.
New Years cards. Left: Suzuko Mimori. Right: Sora Tokui.
“What is Fukuoka’s mascot Ecotan good at doing?”
“Eating garbage.” -Izumi Kitta, 30.


Make sure to head over to Gamers Akihabara to see the whole display in person!

Address: Sotokanda 1-147, Chiyoda, Tokyo

For more awesome pics and info:
