Learn to fly a drone in Akiba!


Info about drones has been popping up around the internet more and more these days, often with gorgeous visuals.  But if you’re like me, you probably thought they were beyond your grasp, maybe financially, maybe knowledge-wise.  Well, that’s no longer the case!


As you might have observed in the picture, you can snag a drone for a little over ¥10,000!  And what’s more, Create-Me is offering a crash course in drones (was there any other way to phrase it?) for ¥2,500 on March 21st at AKIBAP.


Flying them indoors is pretty easy to get the hang of, but out in the wild with the winds a-blowing is a completely different story, so it’s important to learn how to deal with various conditions so you don’t break your new baby.


The lesson is broken into two 1-hour halves with info on drones, how to fly them, and actually trying them out (drones will be available if you don’t have one yet)!

Well, I’m off to go listen to my favorite Rise Against song now, but you can sign up for a drone lesson here: https://akibap.com/community/165

For more pics and info: http://www.akiba-plus.com/?p=20034
