AnimeJapan 2015 TOHO animation Booth Highlights!


Continuing our report on AnimeJapan 2015, we have the TOHO animation booth!  TOHO animation had a bunch of awesome displays from PSYCHO-PASS, Ghost in the Shell ARISE, Monster Musume, Wake Up, Girls!, Little Witch Academia, PROJECT ITOH, Chaos Dragon, Himouto! Umaruchan, Haikyū!!, Yowamushi Pedal, and Blood Blockade Battlefront!  From intense anime to lighthearted ones, TOHO did a great job covering all their bases!  Here are some of our favorites.


The logicoma from Ghost in the Shell ARISE was on display with special optical camouflage provided by Keio University that you could only see by looking through the lens!


The PSYCHO-PASS display was interactive and would display your Crime Coefficient, or probability to commit crimes in the future.


Next up is the Monster Musume display.  If you put on the headphones and press the button, Miia, Papi, and Centorea pop up on the screen and give you a secret message!  Oh, and Miia had big 3D boobs, in case you missed them.  Word on the street is they were pretty firm, but we wouldn’t know anything about that…(whistle)


Himouto! Umaruchan had a display as well with a cute girl handing out stickers!  Cute anime, cute girl, cute cosplay, CUTE OVERLOAD!!!


Our last highlight is a cutout race scene from Yowamushi Pedal.  There were lots of awesome displays at the TOHO animation booth, so be sure to check out more pics and info at the link below!


For a bunch more awesome pics from TOHO animation’s AnimeJapan booth:
