AnimeJapan 2015 Good Smile Company Booth Highlights!

Reminds me of Smash Bros!

As you’ve been enjoying our cosplay posts from AnimeJapan 2015, you’re already well aware that the event happened and was full of beautiful women.  Now we’re gonna give you some breakdowns of the booths and what they had on display.  One of the coolest displays was found at the Good Smile Company’s booth!

First up is the incredible Nendoroid display!  Celebrating the 500th Nendoroid, they were all on display here!

Reminds me of Smash Bros!
Reminds me of Smash Bros!

Each Nendoroid figure is very cutely detailed and are easily recognized by their short size and almost clay-like features (nendo means clay in Japanese after all).

Look how cute Miku is with her umbrella!


There was also another awesome figure of racing Miku!

Yeah girl, let it flow!


But Miku wasn’t the only girl in attendance.  We also found some of the girls from Love Live and Kantai Collection too!

gsb5 gsb3

There were tons of other awesome figures as well, so if you want more, check out Akiba Plus’ coverage below and we’ll be back with more later!


For dozens more awesome pics from Good Smile Company’s AnimeJapan booth:
