AnimeJapan 2015 Bandai Visual, Sunrise, Lantis Booth Highlights!


We’re back again with more highlights from AnimeJapan 2015.  This time we’ve got the Bandai Visual, Sunrise, Lantis booth for you!

First up we have the super cute girls of Love Live!  They had an awesome display of the girls which, depending on the angle you took pictures from, would change colors!

bsl1 bsl5

After passing through the masses surrounding the lovely Love Live ladies, we arrived at the Gundam section of the booth.  Here there were all sorts of interesting Gundam figures, displays, and more!  First was a display for Gundam Build Fighters Try which featured many different figures.  Continuing on led to this fantastic space display.


After the space display were some animations for Gundam Reconguista in G and then more for Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin I, the latter of which had a special photo room where you could take pictures with some of the characters.


There were also cool displays featuring figures with animation overlays blending reality with animation in a way that was not easy to capture.

Last, but not least, was one of the cosplay event girls advertising the release of The Origin I on 4/24.


Every booth really pulled out all the stops this year with awesome content!


For more awesome pics and info:
