Taku Takahashi – The Japanese DJ Making Music From Pubic Hair

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They say creativity often comes from unusual sources. After Yoichi Janaoka of Ningen Corporation noticed that pubic hairs looked a little like sound waves, he asked Taku Takahashi (of M-flo fame) to help turn his concept into reality.

How is this even possible?

taku takahashi creator of pubic hair grooving
The man behind it all (Photo Credit: Datumou Recipe, 2017)

Before we get to the “why”, let’s address the real question here: how exactly do you make music with hair? Well, rest easy – it’s not with a tiny, harp-like instrument. Essentially, Takahashi examined individual hairs, taking note of attributes such as length and curliness, and assigned each of them a unique sound, which he put together to make a song. Surprisingly, the finished track manages to be as catchy as it is unconventional.

According to JAMA Dermotology, 83.8% of American women regularly trim, but this number is far lower in Japan. Titled “In Motion”, the track was designed to bring the idea of personal grooming into the Japanese consciousness. Make no mistake, however: Takahashi knows how strange the project sounds, describing it as “crazy… in a good way”.

So, the part you’ve all been waiting for. You can click the button below to listen to a sample of In Motion, or click through to the Datumou Recipe website to hear to the whole track. Give it a listen, and be sure to let us know what you think in the comment section.

A Man of Many Talents

If you haven’t heard of Taku Takahashi before now, you’re missing out. He’s a highly accomplished DJ, having remixed tracks for acts like The Ting Tings and Calvin Harris. Anime fans will most likely know him from his work as musical director on Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, a series which saw critical acclaim for its punchy, dynamic soundtrack. In fact, just last month, Takahasi was a guest artist at the 2018 Anime Expo, where he showcased a selection of “future club” tracks inspired by the internet and Tokyo’s own musical subcultures.


International reaction to “In Motion” has been understandably incredulous. Luckily, this is exactly what the company behind the stunt, Ningen Corporation, was hoping for. It has a history of making strange products that serve no real purpose, and claims its only real goal is to make people laugh.

So what do you think? Is this an inspired piece of art or just a weird thing from Japan? With almost 8000 plays on SoundCloud, 10,000 on YouTube, and who knows how many more on the Pubic Hair Grooving website, one thing is clear: some people don’t care how the music was made as long as it’s good.
