Mota Design Usagi San by Daikikougyou ft. Yuriko Tiger


Mota Design Usagi San by Daikikougyou ft. Yuriko Tiger

Together with cosplayer Yuriko Tiger @yurikotiger we visited the office of Daikikougyou again for another figurine review!

This time we reviewed the beautiful bunny girl「Mota Design Usagi San」 by Daikikougyou!

Check out our video here for a detailed review!

She was illustrated by the famous illustrator Mota Sensei!

Mota Design Usagi San

The story of Usagi San is, that you, the viewer are walking through a forest, under the moon of the 3rd night.

Mota Design Usagi SanUntil suddenly Usagi San appears and falls all over you.

Mota Design Usagi SanHer background story is based on Chinese proverb, which describes, that sometimes people who seem cute might actually be just pretending and might strike you down in an instant.

Mota Design Usagi SanIn Usagi san’s case she might strike you down in a different way.

Mota Design Usagi SanLooking at her you can directly tell that she is a rabbit girl. It’s not just her bunny ears but also her tail for example which is covered by a metal orb.

Mota Design Usagi SanShe also has springs on her shoes which let her jump like a rabbit.

Mota Design Usagi SanWorth to mention is also her base with the moon mentioned in her story.

Mota Design Usagi SanShe has a lot of charm points. One of which is her dynamic pose and overall sexy body.

Mota Design Usagi SanHer overall coloring is red, gold and white.

Mota Design Usagi SanWhich make her green eyes as well as the green label on her Parker and green straps stand out even more.

Mota Design Usagi SanThe overall concept is extremely interesting. While she makes an overall appearance as an ancient fantasy character, whilding her armor and weapons she is actually also wearing a modern hoodie.

Mota Design Usagi SanThis actually makes you question which time she is living in.

Mota Design Usagi SanMota Design Usagi san is not only cute but also very sexy! Especially the holder around her chest.

Mota Design Usagi SanThere are also two versions in which you can display Mota Design Usagi San.

Mota Design Usagi SanOne with her belt on, and one with her belt removed.

Mota Design Usagi San Mota Design Usagi SanShe also looks very lovely from behind.

Mota Design Usagi SanActually, it is possible to slightly remove her hair to reveal her cleavage.

Mota Design Usagi San Mota Design Usagi San Mota Design Usagi San
Mota Design Usagi san is definitely an extremely cute and mysterious figurine and a perfect fit for all of you bunny lovers!

She is now available for pre-order until the 9th of October, 2019, and on sale in February 2020!


Illustrated by

Sculptured by

Coloring by

「Mota Design Usagi Şan」 by Daikikougyou Find the figure on amiami >><<

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