An anime collaboration cafe that’s not at Animate?
The struggle to enter an anime collaboration cafe has become a rite of passage for many anime fans in Japan. Online reservations are commonplace along with early morning lines for a limited number of entry tickets and raffles. The chance for fans to express their love through food and consumerism is, if anything, difficult.
However, unlike most anime cafes in Japan, the Ikebukuro Trattoria PARADiSO by Sweets Paradise does not require any reservations, lines, or tickets. Rather, this restaurant offers a low-key but high quality anime-themed eating experience.
The Trattoria PARADiSO, the pasta reincarnation of the all-you-can-eat dessert buffet Sweets Paradise, is tucked away on the first floor of Sunshine City. Though this establishment lacks the open smorgasbord of cakes, pudding, pizza, curry, ice cream, and salad, the Trattoria PARADiSO specializes in pasta and has a modest dessert and salad bar. Since the Trattoria PARADiSO is a restaurant first and anime cafe second, the food tends to be distinctly better than most lukewarm, microwaved anime cafe fare.
Anime collaborations at the Trattoria PARADiSO typically cost 1,500 yen and include a main entree and drink. The endless salad and dessert bar can be added for an additional fee.
How exactly does this relaxing Italian restaurant undergo its magical transformation into an anime cafe? Photos from the most recent collaboration cafe exemplify the restaurant in action.
Mob! Mob! What do you want…to order?
Hit anime Mob Psycho 100 took over the Trattoria PARADiSO From April 10 to May 21. Menu items included a Mob curry, Ekubo pasta, Arataka Reigen hamburgers, two types of Teru pancakes (see hair), Ritsu parfait and a number of character themed beverages.

Amazingly enough, despite the ostentatious cutouts and decorations, many people in the restaurant did not order from the collaboration menu. A “regular” restaurant and an “otaku” cafe appeared to coexist within the same space. Perhaps because customers uninterested in Mob Psycho 100 frequented the restaurant the Trattoria PARADiSO successfully created a casual otaku dining experience.
(Warning to non-Japanese speakers- Trattoria PARADiSO only has a Japanese menu. However, since the regular and anime collaboration menu is fully illustrated, guests can manage with pointing and minimal Japanese.)
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