100,000 Slimes Appear in Shinjuku!


To commemorate and market the launch of the new Dragon Quest Heroes game for PS4, two walls between the East and West exits in Shinjuku station have been invaded by the iconic monster!

Slimes in Shinjuku

Do your part the next time you’re in the area and we’ll get rid of these pesky buggers in no time!

Pop em!

If we’re able to clear them all out by March 3, there will be a special website we can access to get a free Dragon Quest background for our smartphones.


How many do you think will be defeated by tomorrow?


View that site and how many Slimes have been defeated here: http://www.jp.playstation.com/ps4/cp/dqh/

See more pics in the original article here: http://www.kk1up.jp/archives/m9184.html
