Sword Art Online II Rubber Straps – Girl Side: Real xGirl Side: Avatar


Well from this June, cute rubber character strap sets of your favorite Sword Art Online II girl trio Asuna, Sinon, and Suguha will go on sell. There are two different rubber strap sets, “Girl Side: Real” are the girls in everyday close when they log off and “Girls Side: Avatar” with the girls in there Avatar form when in the game.



zp_03_sinon zp_02_kisigayasuguha

In the Girl Side: Avatar set there are the Unidine forms of Asuna’s and Suguha’s avatar and the gun-touting GGO avatar of Sinon.  In the Girls Side: Real set, Ausna is dressed to impress for a date with Kirito, Suguha is coming back from kendo practice, carrying her bamboo sword and Sinon is strapped with an airsoft gun.



In the Girl Side: Avatar set there are the Unidine forms of Asuna’s and Suguha’s avatar and the gun-touting GGO avatar of Sinon.  In the Girls Side: Real set, Ausna is dressed to impress for a date with Kirito, Suguha is coming back from kendo practice, carrying her bamboo sword and Sinon is strapped with an airsoft gun. You can reserve your Sword Art Online II rubber character strap from the good people at Hobby Stock. And if are truly a SAO fan, you know what you have to do…. get both sets.

Hobby Stock: http://www.hobbystock.jp/groups?lcat=1&mcat=3

Get more info and pics at: http://www.akiba-plus.com/?p=22810
