Steins Gate 0, Episode 8 Review: Closure

steins;gate 0 episode 8 review

Steins Gate 0 finally did what it had to from the beginning: it gave Okabe the closure he needed to move on with his life and take initiative.

A Choice

We saw Okabe transported to another world line at the end of the previous episode. In episode eight, it was revealed that this was a world wherein Mayuri died and Kurisu survived; in other words, the Alpha world line from most of season one. He could return to the Beta line whenever he liked, but doing so would mean Kurisu would die all over again.

steins gate 0 episode 8 review
Unexpected but not unwelcome (Photo Credit: White Fox, 2018)

Here’s the thing: Kurisu is stronger both mentally and emotionally than Okabe. In the end, she’s the one who sends the D-Mail, but not before she finally confesses her love to him. It’s a bittersweet moment, but one that fans have been waiting for for a very long time. Now, at last, Okabe can end this chapter of his life and focus on preventing the apocalyptic future that Suzuha lived through.

Who Am I?

At its heart, this becomes a question of which Okabe he’d rather be. Does he want to remain the Okabe who had the opportunity to revive Mayuri and failed, or Houin Kyouma, the mad scientist who developed a time machine in his apartment? As much as he cringes at this persona, it’s what got him his exceptional group of friends, and ultimately, what led to his discovery in the first place.

steins;gate 0 episode 8 review

Rather, it’s likely Okabe will meld his dual personalities. There are times when he needs to be calculating, but also times where rash actions are the only way forward. Nobody wants to experience the coming future, but unless he steps up to the plate, it’s not only likely, it’s certain.

The Right Decision?

Then there’s the question of whether he made the right choice. Kurisu is undoubtedly smarter than Mayuri, but she lacks the ability to unwaveringly trust those around her. Amadeus is a poor copy of this world-class scientist, but it might still be of use. That said, Okabe seems to have realized that it’s merely emulating Kurisu, rather than actually being her. This marks a step in the right direction for his mental health, but leaves us wondering what the point of it was. Surely Amadeus’ role isn’t over already?

steins;gate zero episode eight review

The eighth episode of Steins Gate 0 was an introspective, rose-tinted glimpse at the past. As an audience, we’ve become accustomed to having narratives wrapped up in a neat little bow at the end of an episode, but in Steins Gate, and indeed, real life, this is rarely the case. Nostalgia, it seems, is a powerful force which can heavily impact our future actions.
