Anime has a massively diverse fan base, but it seems like most viewers fit into one a few types. Today, we’ll be looking at the six types of anime fans; which one are you?
The Casual

The Casual only watches the shows that are hot this season. They can tell you all about hits like Death Note, Attack on Titan, and My Hero Academia, but mention lesser-known anime and they’ll go quiet. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing; after all, they’re watching some of the best titles each year.
Often, this type of fan is just getting into anime and could benefit from an introduction to hidden gems. If they like Sword Art Online, why not point them towards KonoSuba or Log Horizon? They might even find their new favourite show!
The Die-Hard

This guy is very active on MyAnimeList. The Die-Hard tries out five or more shows every season and meticulously tracks their progress online. Their “to watch” list is incredibly long, but as they consume anime at such a rapid pace, this doesn’t faze them one bit.
As a result, this type of fan is extremely knowledgeable about not just shows themselves, but anime studios, actors, and production staff. If you don’t mind jumping in at the deep end, you could really learn a lot from them.
The Elitist

Oh, you haven’t seen an obscure, Japan-only mecha show from the 1970’s? What a casual. The Elitist has an encyclopaedic knowledge of anime and can recite staff members from now-closed studios without batting an eye. They have a tendency to look down on others, though, which can make them seem a little mean when talking to anime newcomers.
The Try Hard

You’ll hear the Try Hard before you see them. They’re fond of using Japanese words (“Sugoi desu!”) they heard in anime, and often try to mimic their favourite characters in day-to-day life. Like The Casual, these fans are often new to the medium and are just trying to express their appreciation. It might take a little while, but don’t worry – sooner or later, they’ll realize what they’re doing is embarrassing and stop.
The Closet Fan
If none of your friends like anime, you might be a closet fan. This is common in people in their mid-20’s and older, but here’s a secret: more people watch anime than you realize. It’s possible you regularly hang out with another closet fan and don’t know it! Just be yourself, talk about the shows you like, and don’t worry about if you’ll come across as weird!
The “Healthy, Balanced Lifestyle”
This fan watches anime, but it’s not their reason for being. They stay up-to-date with various shows, and perhaps even talk about it to their friends, but they have other hobbies too. You might not even know they’re interested just by talking to them. Scratch beneath the surface, though, and you’ll find a wealth of knowledge accumulated over several years of fandom.