McDonald’s Japan Releases New Anime Commercial for Moon-Viewing Season!


Following their history and to the fanfare of those appreciative of the style and charm of their previous commercials, McDonald’s Japan has unveiled an all-new anime-themed commercial, this time focusing on their iconic yearly roundup of tsukimi, that is, moon-viewing food and drink with an adorable and charming slice-of-life scene.

The commercial prominently focuses on the daily lives of various students and families enjoying McDonald’s iconic tsukimi burgers, which they bring out every year and often feature an egg as the main focus, symbolizing the moon. Throughout the video are shown two students enjoying a burger and a view of the moon together, then shows a girl doing the same from her room, then a family at a McDonald’s restaurant, and ultimately Princess Kaguya from Japanese folklore before the commercial loops back to the beginning.

The commercial was designed by illustrator Fumi Futamori, and as has been the case with many of their anime-inspired slice-of-life advertisements in the past, garnered a lot of love and attention on Twitter. The commercial also references the origin behind Japanese moon-viewing in the fall using the traditional tale of Princess Kaguya. While the commercial remains up and gathering plenty of likes and reposts online, the special autumn tsukimi set at McDonald’s Japan is only available for a limited time, so those hoping to try it for themselves will want to order something for themselves while they can!
