Casual Maid Cafe “ENTRY” To Produce Anime Project


Casual Maid Cafe “ENTRY” is a concept cafe located in Ikebukuro. Up until now, we’ve never seen a direct tie up with maid cafes and anime, but ENTRY is about to change that.

The company will be producing an anime project with characters based off the actual girls that work at the cafe! Most of the maids who work in cafes have an interest in manga, anime, and games and there are a number of them whose dreams are to have a career in the industry, whether it be for voice acting or singing.

For this reason, ENTRY is taking applications for staff who want to become a voice actor, singer or character for an original anime!

Some of the current staff have already gotten their own character profiles created.

With characters based off their staff, they are guaranteed an audience by way of the loyal clientele the girls have, in addition, viewers may find characters easily relatable as they are based off real personalities and experiences. We’re definitely interested to see how ENTRY pulls it all together!

ENTRY Anime Project Official Site
ENTRY Cafe Official Site

Original source: PRTimes, ENTRY

