New Mega Man Anime Airing in 2017!


Good news for all the “Mega Man” enthusiast out there, Dentsu Entertainment USA has announced a new Anime of Capcom´s action game hit Mega Man (Japanese “Rock Man”)!

According to the Twitter announcement, Dentsu Entertainment USA will hold the world wide broadcast rights and licenses and the American “Man of Action”studio (known for the “Ultimate Spider Man”) will be in charge for the production.

Overseas, all 26 episodes are scheduled to air in 2017, but there has been no Japanese broadcast date announced yet. We will keep you in the loop!


Akiba Jigoku
This post was made possible by the generous efforts of our friend Iori-sonchō at Akiba Jigoku. Introducing news on anime, voice actors, figures, games, and more from Akihabara.
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