Akihabara JR Station – Getting Fancy “Platform Doors”


The Platform Doors´ main purpose is to prevent passengers from falling on the tracks, or having accidental contact with the train. In 2010, Ebisu Station (恵比寿駅) was the first Station on the Yamanote Line to have Platform Doors installed, and finally it is Akihabara Station´s turn!


Here are some details for the overly interested, on when the doors will be installed!

  • Platform 3 (Direction Tokyo and Shinagawa) May 19th
  • Platform 2 Direction Ueno and Ikebukuro) May 21st


All doors will be brought on stream on June 20th.

JR East is planning to have all “Platform Doors” on all 23 Yamanote Line Stations installed by the end of 2015.


Source: http://www.kk1up.jp/archives/n16811.html
