Oshawott-themed Hotel Rooms come to Mie Prefecture!


Water-type starter Pokémon Oshawott, originally seen in Pokemon Black and White, has been the official mascot and Pokémon ambassador for Japan’s Mie Prefecture since 2021. Now, the shell-loving starter is getting its own special collaboration hotel room in Toba, a coastal city in Mie!

The Toba Kokusai Hotel, celebrating its 60th anniversary, is offering an Oshawott-themed room, which features a large window with a panoramic view of Toba Bay. Blue accents in the decor reflect the marine setting, and several round, white floor lights resemble pearls. An assortment of Oshawott plushies are also placed throughout the room, along with local cultural tie-ins, such as cushions made with cotton dyed using natural indigo from nearby Matsusaka.

The room also includes specially crafted Oshawott teapot and teacups from Yokkaichi, also in Mie prefecture, as well as cypress coasters from Owase. Guests will also find Oshawott-themed towels and Ise teabags to take home as souvenirs, exclusively for staying at the hotel. Hotel staff will also hide three Poké Balls inside the room for guests, those who find all three receiving a special secret prize.

The Oshawott collaboration room became available for stays on May 23rd, with the duration of availability limited but no end date officially announced. With a Snorlax-themed hotel room also in the works for this summer, there’s no better time for Pokemon fans to explore Japan with their favorite monsters! Rooms can be booked via the official site here.
