My Hero Academia Official T-Shirt Available For Ordering Now


Have you ever wanted to wear the same clothes as some of your favourite anime/manga characters? Well, now you can! By that I mean, specifically one piece of clothing that was worn by a specific character, this character being Izuku Midoriya of My Hero Academia fame.

“Items you can use on the daily” is the concept of Amnibus, a subdivision of Arma Bianca, a company specializing in merchandising. They have created a line of original goods for the My Hero Academia series, including a top that says “カットソー” (Cutsew), which is the same top that Izuku Midoriya sports in season 3 episode 50 of the TV Anime.

In addition to the shirt, you can find other official merchandise in the form of functional everyday items such as joggers, and even tapestry.

Details on the Shirt

Price: 3000yen + tax
Sizes: Mens S, M, L, XXL, XXXL
Womens S, M, L, XXL, XXXL
Material: 100% cotton

Order one yourself or check it out on the AMNIBUS online store!


Original Source: PRTimes
Image Source: My Hero Academia official site for Shonen Jump
